Monday, March 28, 2016

"In my time of greatest need, you guys found me"

Jose's baptism
How are we all doing? I love you all! Thank you for all the love and support. All is well out in la finca del Senor. I love this work so much! Here is a quick rundown of the week. We have had an investigator Jose and we have been teaching him for a while, and he had been progressing! He is amazing! He was able to be baptized this week! At his baptism service I had time to reflect on his conversion process. What a miracle it has been. He has changed so many things in this life to get to this point of baptism, and looking back, I know his change has been possible through our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Companions... waiting for the baptism.
In this sacred week (Holy Week) we have had time to ponder and think about Jesus Christ and what he has done for us. I had a moment to testify in a lesson about our Savior. Our Savior has suffered for the pains and sins of the world.  The first act of faith we can show our Heavenly Father, is to repent. We need to trust in His promise that if we repent, He will forgive us for our trespasses. I know that is so true, that if we can humble ourselves and come unto Christ, we can find a new life through Him… A life of eternal happiness.
We have another baptism this Saturday in between sessions of General Conference, we are so happy for her! Seeing people receive a witness of the truthfulness of this gospel and building their testimony of Christ is priceless and brings me so much joy. I am so incredibly grateful for the guidance of the Holy Ghost who whispered to me to go back to knock on her door. She said to me this past Saturday, “In my time of greatest need, you guys found me.” I Know God Loves us and I know His Son Jesus Christ, is the only way to find eternal peace and happiness. I love you all!

Elder Waidmann

Monday, March 21, 2016

"Open your mouth"

Hello Friends and Family,

Me and Elder Morales from Guatemala
The words, “Open your mouth” are a credit to my wise Father.  Thank you Dad for always sending that message to me, because it is so true! As we pray for the Lord to put someone in our path to share the Gospel with, he will! But, we still need to do our part and open our mouth. I have really come to know how true that is as a full time missionary. We need to talk with everyone, because whether these people know it or not, the Gospel Of Jesus Christ is the only way to have lasting eternal happiness! Not just temporary happiness on this earth, but for eternity! So, pray for opportunities to share the Gospel this week.  Once you do, search for them and then act! I promise the Lord will put someone in your path!
A Coqui frog. The first time I have seen one!
This week was another great week in the mission field! I cant believe I have been out for 6 months. Our investigator received her answer to the Book of Mormon and it’s truthfulness.  She said after reading it, she  prayed and began to cry… not because of sadness, but because she was filled with joy!  Our investigator shared that later that day she went to the gym and she was stopped and asked what was so different about her. He said that she seemed like a while new person.  She recognized how much joy she had! She came to church and loved it, as did her two little kids. It was really special to see 5 of our investigators at church this week.  We are so blessed! As we do all that we can, the Lord will help us.  All will work out for the good! Love you All!
Elder Waidmann

Monday, March 14, 2016

"Listen to the still small voice"

I will miss this guy. God speed, Elder Fox.
Hello Everyone!

I love you all! Thank you for all the love and support. The Lord has been working miracles here. On Monday we stopped by an old investigator from the area book and she was super awesome and we set up a return appointment. Fast forward to Friday… we met her at the church building and had a wonderful member present during the lesson. It was a little crazy because the power went out in the building and so we were teaching in the dark.  We didn’t know what to do, but the investigator insisted it was fine and wanted to keep learning, so we used the flashlight on her phone for our light. It was amazing she is so prepared and accepted to be baptized soon! We are so grateful for her.

Puerto Rico life
We had an intercambio with the Zone Leaders and it was super good.  I learned so much from Elder Webb. Elder Fox told me that if we always follow the advice of leaders in the Church we will have success and see miracles… so we have been really focused on that lately.  Members have been helping us and it is wonderful.  I love it. If we follow the gospel of Jesus Christ we will have peace, joy, and happiness just as the savior and prophets have promise!

The Zone Leader and I were contacting the other day and we passed a house and contacted another one. This second house didn’t want to talk to us so we kept walking.  I had this little prompting come to me that said “go back”. So we went back to the house that we had already passed and we had a great lesson with this lady and got a return appointment for yesterday. We shared a message about the Book Of Mormon and she is interested!

Our family is doing great! They came to church again! I love them so much, and have really felt Heavenly Father’s love for them and for all the other people we have taught. I love the Holy Spirit and it will truly lead and guide us, if we are worthy and if we are seeking Him.  Sometimes the Holy Spirit will barely nudge us… and if we are too preoccupied or not doing something right, we will not notice the prompting. I testify that the Holy Ghost is real, He is the comforter and testifies of all truth.

I testify of repentance, that the healing power of the Atonement is real, and that we can be forgiven if we have a sincere heart and contrite spirit. And as we enter into the Covenant (or Promise) of baptism by someone who has the Authority of God (Priesthood) our past sins can be washed away. I have experienced this miracle of change with multiple people and as they come up out of the water, they are changed. The Gospel Of Jesus Christ saves and HEALS lives. I know it, because I have felt the Spirit testify of it to me everyday as I share it to others. I testify that God is our Father, Jesusis the Savior of the world, and through the Holy Spirit we can feel or their love for us. May we always remember our divinity as sons and daughters of God!

I Love you all!

Elder Waidmann

Monday, March 7, 2016

"I felt a love I have never felt before"

Puerto Rico life in the Ponce letters
Elder Fox, Elder Wilcox and me
Hello Everyone!

"Chaaachooocha" ...  that is the word of the week, that means, “mannnnnn”! Ha. We went to a lesson with a young couple from the church and they were laughing so hard because me and my companion say it so much they are like “these gringos are Boricua” (Puerto Rican).  I love Puerto Rico. I have found out that I am not being transferred! Yay! I am so happy. I love Ponce, even though it is hot everyday and I drench all of my shirts in sweat.  The people here are wonderful and I am grateful to serve here for at least another 6 weeks. Elder Wilcox is still my companion and we are excited. He is now the Big Disctict Leader and he in nervous, but he will do so good! Elder Fox is getting transferred, so it is sad. It will be weird because he has been in the same house with me for like 5 months! I am grateful for him and all that he has taught me. I am truly a better missionary because of him!

Picture of our district
This week was a fun and super successful week. We have a family investigating the church and they are the most positive people I know. This is the family we found a few weeks ago after we had knocked the door and we walked all the way down the street and a man pulled up in a car so we walked all the way back. We have taught them a lot now and they came to church! It was so wonderful, and it was the first time they have brought their kids to a church! Man seeing their smiling faces, brings the greatest joy. I imagine that is how our Heavenly Father feels about us when we find truth and make good decisions in our lives! I was in a lesson and just observing what was going on while my companion was teaching and it hit me how much I love helping bring others unto Christ. When people receive the gospel and understand… something changes inside them. You see it in their eyes and in their smile and in their testimony. I know with all my heart that this is the true church and doctrine of God, because anyone can change, oh how wonderful it is.
Puerto Rico is beautiful!
The wife offered the closing prayer and pleaded her heart out to God, to receive health for her, and her family and to know if these things are true. Tears filled her eyes and the Spirit was so powerful. I was pondering on what had happened and I felt a love that I have never had before….A love that God could only have for his children. I know God gives that love so we can help His children feel it here as we bring it into their house everyday. God loves his children, He knows them by name, and He will never leave them comfortless. I know that through the Spirit we can always be comforted. I love you all!

Love, Elder Waidmann

La guancha with Elder Fox
La guancha last preparation day
Abasail and Jessie. I love them!
Ponce letters
Yo soy boriqua pa que tu lo sepa